Trouble Moving Files from app/assets/images to Packs in Rails, Help Needed!

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Message originally sent by slack user U71TN2WF04X

Hi everyone :wave: Has anyone moved files from app/assets/images/... into packs? Im struggling to make it work as it does not appear on my public/packs/manifest.json :cry:

I was looking at this too, recently, have not yet found a solution to exactly this. You can make public folders if you add this to application.rb

middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::Static, File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, "../../packs/agile_landscape/public"))

<@U71TN2WF04X> you mention app/assets/images/... and then public/packs/manifest.json but app/assets is normally handled by sprockets (or propshaft) while the files in public/packs/ are normally generated by webpacker. :thinking_face: or so I remember.

In my experience, weā€™ve been able to move all files from app/assets/* into packs like packs/something/app/assets/* without much trouble.

but we havenā€™t been able to move the files from app/javascripts/* which are the ones handled by webpacker. We didnā€™t try too hard because itā€™s not the focus yet, though.

Message originally sent by slack user U71TN2WF04X

Yes, I am working with webpacker, and the source file in my webpacker config is apo/assets. I forgot that

oh, so youā€™re using app/assets instead of app/javascripts for webpacker

wellā€¦ I canā€™t help then because we decided to leave all webpacker-related stuff in the main app for now. :sweat_smile:

Weā€™ll most probably migrate out of webpacker to other stuff. Weā€™ve already migrated all our JS code to use importmap. The only code left in webpacker is CSS for now.

<@U71TN2WF04X> this might be a shoot in the dark, but did you try adding your packsā€™ assets directories to the additional_paths setting in config/webpacker.yml? That might work.

Message originally sent by slack user U71TN2WF04X

Yeah that was my first try :confused: but with no success. I will keep on searching, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Message originally sent by slack user U712YWCKK8T

We have all web assets inside their respective packages, including JavaScript, and Tailwind-generated CSS

Message originally sent by slack user U712YWCKK8T

Main thing that helped was switching to propshaft which allows you to not have to maintain the manifest.js file

Message originally sent by slack user U712YWCKK8T

We also use esbuild rather than webpacker, not sure how easy it is to replicate. I built a system that detects *.esbuild.js/ts files inside a pack, and creates a Rake task to build that file using esbuild

Message originally sent by slack user U712YWCKK8T

(Similarly *.postcss.css for CSS files)

The ā€œmigrating from sprocketsā€ section in the propshaft readme is extremely short. Any tips on good resources to do the switch?

This has a lot more info, but ā€¦ somehow most of it doesnā€™t immediately work for meā€¦ Will keep exploring

Message originally sent by slack user U712YWCKK8T

(seems you linked to an internal Slack rather than the Propshaft docs in your first message)

Itā€™s been like a year since I switched, I donā€™t remember if I did anything more than follow those instructions. I donā€™t remember it being particularly difficult though once the switch off of Webpacker was done.

Minor note, we donā€™t use jsbundling-rails or cssbundling-rails since all they really do is add rake tasks to build a single JS/CSS file, since we have multiple files across packs I made custom rake tasks for them instead.

Message originally sent by slack user U712YWCKK8T

Found the commit, the only extra thing it has is configuring InlineSvg::PropshaftAssetFinder

dang, yes I did (link to slack)