Tools for generating models and migrations in modular monolith using packwerk/stimpack

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Are there any tools that make rails generators (eg models, migrations) do the right thing when working in a packwerk/stimpack based modular monolith?

rails g model product name medium:enum produced model, migrations, etc at the root level (not within the current products pack).

I love this question… I don’t know of any, but my hope is that as a community we can propose changes and submit PRs to Rails that help support modular development across the whole toolchain.

At Gusto we tend to use ’s move command to move files to packs, but there is a long way to go, especially when you consider systems that actually require things to live in the root pack.

Ok. That’s a really helpful utility

feels like a lost opportunity to use packwerker for the tool name

Message originally sent by slack user U717FXJ8HWK

On that note, being able to run this tool from editors / IDEs would be really convenient

I think that was actually the original name @dmytro, or something like it :sweat_smile:

<@U717FXJ8HWK> Interesting idea. Long-term, my hope is that through community-driven tooling and conventions we can help bring better large scale refactoring tools to Ruby. I think Sorbet is really paving the road for this with their in-editor refactor tools, but I agree that eventually having those tools integrate with some more knowledge about our runtime and what else needs to change when a file is moved would really take it to the next level.