Packwerk/Stimpack: No Dependency/Privacy Checks for View/URL Helpers Across Pack Boundaries?

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Message originally sent by slack user U717SGFFO6I

i was just hoping that someone could confirm that i am seeing: packwerk/stimpack does not perform any dependency/privacy checks on the use of view or url helper method across pack boundaries.

That sounds right. packwerk relies on being able to statically look at constant (i.e. CONSTANT, Class, or Module) references.

The one exception is that it knows how to turn a rails association (e.g. has_one :user) into a reference (i.e. it knows that is a reference to User).

It doesn’t know about references via method calls or any other form of meta-programming or a convention that might establish a runtime dependency/reference to another pack.

Message originally sent by slack user U717SGFFO6I

thanks @AlexEvanczuk