New Ruby gem for boundary enforcement in Rails apps now available - feedback requested!

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Message originally sent by slack user U78EWU4EQKZ

Hi folks, my team at Shopify just open sourced a Ruby gem for boundary enforcement in Rails apps - Check it out and lmk what you think!

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Message originally sent by slack user U78DVPB73JQ

Hey Maple, thank you for your (and team) work on this. I’m very excited to dive in and see if we can use this at Gusto.

Message originally sent by slack user U7832IJ3CGA

We’ve got a pretty large watch party planned for the event next week! :tada:

Message originally sent by slack user U78EWU4EQKZ

Np at all! We were all super excited to share it :slightly_smiling_face: Oh geez, the pressure is on for next week. :joy:

Thanks for releasing it!

Message originally sent by slack user U783ITZM13O

Awesome! I’d love to see how it looks like in a big project!

Message originally sent by slack user U78EKGG059M

This is super exciting - we are doing something very similar at Root insurance.