Looking for books on the Packwerk method for building a modular Rails application

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Any books out yet on the Packverk approach to a modular Rails app?

Message originally sent by slack user U70I61FD0VD

https://leanpub.com/package-based-rails-applications by @stephan

Hi there!

Thanks for the mention, Adam

Jon - I have been stalled out for waaaay to long. I have planned and attempted to get unstuck multiple times over the last 18 months.

I am currently once again trying to get myself unstuck. Please keep me honest! :sweat_smile:

Cliff’s notes version and then expand it? Charge more for the cliff’s notes version!

Anyway, I’m eagerly awaiting updates.

Message originally sent by slack user U71810IPUMS

Charge more for the cliff’s notes version!

This is great!

Message originally sent by slack user U7381E2QYNQ

@stephan tbh I wish the book just dived into packwerk without diverging into historical baggage of CBRA

Message originally sent by slack user U7381E2QYNQ

maybe if it was moved to an appendix

Thanks for the feedback!