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question around the root package being enforce_privacy: false and the suggestion
enforcing privacy is often not useful for the root package, because it would require defining a public interface for something that should only be a thin wrapper in the first place.
I want to:
set my root package to enforce_privacy: true
write thin wrappers inside app/public to access stuff internal to root package
make my packs/current_project dependent on . and only have access to the app/public
have less TODO’s in my packs/current_project/packwerk_todo.yml
if at some stage I move out the “internal root stuff” into it’s own package, I can change my dependency inside of packs/current_project
am I missing something? given that root package is bound to stay around for quite a while, how could ever have my TODO’s removed from various packwerk_todo.yml files? is there something I am missing? another approach?
The first “group” (group #1) contains only the root package “.”. This package has no privacy violations because we emptied it out completely during the refactorings of Chapter 2. Turning on privacy enforcement is straightforward and will not require further work because there are no violations: We can and should just do it.
is this the thinking in general? move “EVERYTHING” out of root super early and hence not even have an app/public ?
@stephan is out this week, but that’s the idea. Of course there’s nothing objectively wrong or that will break if you leave things in your root pack, but we tend to think of the root pack as a sort of “application harness” that depends on all other packs to boot up the overall app, with nothing depending on it. By emptying out the root pack in the beginning, it helps it become less of a dumping ground (or alternatively moves the dumping ground to an explicit location like packs/unorganized_code ) which I think helps push things to be more organized long-term.
for the moment it’s steady as it goes - as I mentioned we are “scared” to move everything out and making this change was a start but we will only really tell in next month or so when we move a bunch of code out into a pack that will still have inter dependence with the main “legacy monlith app”