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Message originally sent by slack user U729K0K9ZF5
General question for folks on your modular rails apps - there are tools like packwerk to make the code modular, and I see articles and discussion above modular models/schemas, but much less on managing environment - How do you manage your environment variables for rails apps with hundreds of env vars?
In particular, if you have a .env file that is hundreds (or more) of lines, how do you trace the env var to the modular code and effectively assign ownership and manage the lifecycle of that env var in various environments (local dev, remote non-prod, remote prod)?
we’ve just started using on a modest-sized rails app and so far so good. It’s clearly an improvement over a crazy long .env file.
Do you all still load from env vars? Is the app to the size that different teams need to own different env vars?
I see it has a Doppler data loader. We’ve looked at Doppler before, and componentizing config with Anyway, then easy loading from Doppler could be transformative for our DX and security.