How to deprecate new usages of a method or association in a spaghetti model?

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Message originally sent by slack user U70VMMV37TJ

In my journey to destroy a spaghetti model, I’m at the point where I’d like to deprecate new usages of a method or association. Something a like RuboCop cop where all the existing junk is grand-fathered in, but new offenders aren’t welcomed. Rubocop makes it too easy to override though. =)

Message originally sent by slack user U7337JZKINO

just write a rubocop for the rubocop overrides

In terms or Rubocop being too easy to override, we added a Sourcegraph monitor to notify a Slack channel whenever someone disables a cop. It allows us to intervene quickly with the necessary education if we think it’s worth it/relevant. Ya, it’s pretty manual, but we found it did help some.