Error when upgrading to Ruby 3.1.2: uninitialized constant PrivateThing in packwerk validate

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Message originally sent by slack user U70DMI6W1TM

Hmm, we just upgraded one of our applications to Ruby 3.1.2, and packwerk validate is breaking:

vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activesupport- `const_get': uninitialized constant PrivateThing (NameError)


Anyone else seen this?

Hey I haven’t seen this — is it still breaking for you? Are you able to isolate a reproduction?

Message originally sent by slack user U70DMI6W1TM

Oh, sorry, should have followed up here. I didn’t find a minimal repro, but I was able to find a workaround. We already had an exclude directive in packwerk.yml:

- "services/**/spec/**/*"

(“services” are our packages). Adding "vendor/**/*" to the exclude list silenced the error, which I take to mean that validate was somehow reviewing our bundled gems as well as what we’d explicitly told it to look at:

- "services/**/*.{rb,rake,erb}"
- "app/**/*.{rb,rake,erb}"

Glad you found a workaround! I suspect what is going on is packwerk is reading itself (PrivateThing) and erroring since your application doesn’t have that constant.

If this is correct, it’s because you haven’t set package_paths, which defaults to **/, which makes it include that package.yml with the invalid entry. I don’t think include is used to find package_paths. Rather, include is for what files to parse and exclude excludes files from both parsing and package paths. (A little confusing IMO.)

Message originally sent by slack user U70DMI6W1TM

Ah, interesting! You’re right that we haven’t overridden package_paths. And also that the lack of similarity between include and exclude is confusing and/or surprising :smile:


Message originally sent by slack user U70DMI6W1TM

Hmm, just tried switch from exclude to package_paths and it’s still trying to load the package.yml from Packwerk itself :slightly_frowning_face:

Message originally sent by slack user U70DMI6W1TM

Oh, nope, typo’d – it works. Thanks again!