Blog Post: The Importance of Modularity and Test Automation - Seeking Feedback on Pre-Release Draft

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Message originally sent by slack user U78DAHFQKN2

Hi all, based on my experience in this group and elsewhere, I’m writing a blog post about modularity and test automation. If you’d like to read over this pre-release draft and share your thoughts, I would love to hear what you think. It’s a 4 minute read -[…]cec0034ca04fdf45f3ca021a1a5706cbd08846f81aa4db8e6ac6957cfb856047f

Message originally sent by slack user U78ETENHDU8

Hi Kevin - thanks for sharing! Good stuff - in particular, I think your argument for why modularization is necessary as a codebase grows was very well made. In terms of constructive criticism - the last set of recommendations (for medium-sized codebases) seems a bit abstract / difficult to connect to moving the ball forward on modularization to me…

Message originally sent by slack user U78DAHFQKN2

Hey, thanks for the feedback! This is just the kind of thing I’m looking for. I will take another look at that section. Luckily is not Twitter so, I can edit :slight_smile:

Message originally sent by slack user U78DAHFQKN2

Do you have any suggestions on how to get more concrete?

Message originally sent by slack user U78ETENHDU8

Hmmm - so at this stage it appears that you’re not recommending starting to add internal modularity yet? If not, are there steps they should be taking at this stage to prep for that work (mapping out future contexts, detangling AR models, etc.)?

Message originally sent by slack user U78DAHFQKN2

Yes, I see. Maybe a “laying the groundwork” phase is the right approach, given that it may be too early to go all in with something like the Solidus gems approach, but it’s not too early to start preparing either.

Message originally sent by slack user U78DAHFQKN2

Rails does a great job of providing the architecture you need up to a certain point, but eventually MVC isn’t enough