Advice for Modularizing a GraphQL API in a Rails Monolith

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Hello! :wave:

I’m about to embark on a modularization project for a Rails monolith we have at PGA of America:man-golfing:. Very grateful for the resources that Gusto and Shopify have provided.

Does anyone have experience and can offer guidance for modularization of a GraphQL API service? Would you have a separate component for the GraphQL layer that depends on several domain-specific components? Or is there a way for each domain-specific component to expose GraphQL bits as part of its public API?

ooo :slightly_smiling_face: our first GraphQL question!


At gusto we have weighed these various options. I am curious if others have experience, but in general, this is wonderful bundle of tradeoffs the decision of which depends on a lot of factors. If you have the capability to experiment (for a small part of the graph) with each option, you’ll learn a ton.

And if you have fairly large sized components, individual subgraphs per component are an interesting option too

We used modular approach for GraphQL via GraphQL Ruby interfaces. Here is a simplified ApplicationSchema class demonstrating the composition:

class ApplicationSchema < Common::GraphQL::Schema
  class MeRoot < Common::GraphQL::Object
    implements ConnectBy::Types::MeInterface
    implements MeetBy::Types::MeInterface

  class QueryRoot < Common::GraphQL::Object
    implements ConnectBy::QueryInterface
    implements PerksBy::QueryInterface
    implements ChatBy::QueryInterface
    implements MeetBy::QueryInterface

    field :me, MeRoot, "Current user's sub-graph", null: false

    def me

  class MutationRoot < GraphQL::Schema::Object
    implements ConnectBy::Mutations::MutationInterface
    implements ChatBy::Mutations::MutationInterface
    implements MeetBy::Mutations::MutationInterface

  query QueryRoot
  mutation MutationRoot

(I don’t remember if we had any extensions though)

Another approach we considered for later projects is to follow GraphQL Federation principles (and even re-use federation interfaces/tools but using a virtual networking, i.e., in-process communication).