Transitioning a Large Rails Codebase into Packages: Seeking Tips and Advice from Experienced Developers

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Message originally sent by slack user U7213XMGS3H

<@U71102MDOF5> that’s also a problem with the monolith app… we do have a lot of tests but yeah that’s an issue

Message excluded from import.

Message originally sent by slack user U7213XMGS3H

We’re in the messy middle and this is a way of seeing that

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Message excluded from import.

Message originally sent by slack user U7213XMGS3H

because everything depends on everything

Message originally sent by slack user U72DOM2VVHS

I generally don’t value extracting out of the monolith except for special cases so with larger teams there’s a lot of value in knowing what your garden looks like and keeping it tidy and the first phases in that chart do a lot to make that serviceable

Message excluded from import.

Message originally sent by slack user U7213XMGS3H

yeah, but we don’t have an option of going back to 2008 and fixing it at the outset lol

Message originally sent by slack user U7213XMGS3H

if we did, we would!

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Message excluded from import.

Message excluded from import.

Message originally sent by slack user U7213XMGS3H

This talk does a great job of explaining what we’re trying to do

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Message originally sent by slack user U7213XMGS3H

right, it’s not

Message originally sent by slack user U7213XMGS3H

It’s in flight

Message originally sent by slack user U7213XMGS3H

headed towards modularity

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