Packwerk check warning for dependencies between /services and /packages

Message originally sent by slack user U70DMI6W1TM

oh, interesting – I’ll play with the code org to see if that’s the issue (though they say they see false positives with it, not false negatives :slightly_frowning_face: )

will try to write up a summary of how our app doesn’t quite fit stimpack, but probably not until next week

Yeah I’m not sure, its possible the wording is off. That being said, its a goal of mine to make sure that packwerk supports anything and everything that zeitwerk/rails supports, so would love to see what we can do.

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about stimpack!

Message originally sent by slack user U70DMI6W1TM

:tada: that was it, at least for the repro case – if I add the Models namespace and references EaterData::Models::Eater in the other package, it throws the violation


Message originally sent by slack user U70DMI6W1TM

thank you so much!

:raised_hands: Happy to try to help